From the table saw in the corner to the Stihl diamond tooth chainsaw, you are a fella who likes his toys.
Family and friends know this and you seem to accumulate hardware like it’s going out of fashion.
This becomes a problem when you need one piece of equipment and you cant reach it because it’s stuck behind ten other items. Face it, pal, its time to de-clutter your garage.
I know the thought scares you, so I will offer my top ten tips for de-cluttering.
Apply any number of them and you will see a marked difference in the space you have available.
1. Start by measuring your garage to see the exact space you are working with. This also allows you work out where the different elements will fit in.
2. Kids toys strewn everywhere? Get the kids’ large plastic storage bins. Map out sections on the garage wall and drive in hooks for their bicycles. Make them responsible for putting their toys away and hanging their bikes.
3. You know you wont need that washing machine from the 70’s, so why is it still in the garage? Yes, you made a bad choice at the car boot sale, but keeping it wont increase its value. Sell/Dispose of items that are simply junk.
4. Install shelving that allows you see what you are storing in them. Also keep in mind the constancy of use of the items you are storing. For things you wont need in the next 3 months, store them out of the way, on higher shelves.
5. Up to 80% of items in your garage can be shelved. The remaining 20%? A sturdy hook will help. Depending on your collection, achieving a balance can be achieved. You can take this a step further by classifying sections of the garage into zones and store things that are commonly used together in the same zone.
6. Tap into the hidden spaces under a workbench, up a wall, hanging from the roof beams, behind doors, even in-floor cubby holes. All these can help increase available storage space.
7. For smaller hardware equipment; screws, nails or push pins; nail the top of baby food jars to a 2 x 4 piece of wood and nail the plank to the wall. This gives you a row of shallow ‘pots’ to store items that are easily misplaced underfoot.
8. Consider a modular shelving system for the walls. An off-the-rack solution will get everything off the floor and provide an easy-to-use solution for baskets, shelves etc. They are easy to assemble and are built to withstand the extreme temperatures of the garage.
9. Be nice to the environment and go green by having disposable bins for recycling in your garage. Ensure all waste is sorted correctly. If your lighting is poor (one lonely bulb), like most garages, you can install energy-saving, LED lights.
10. Tired of cleaning the floor every time it rains or snows? Add a low rack on the garage walls to dry off muddy shoes.
Organising your garage can be a fun activity or you can put it off again until next year. With Christmas fast approaching, you may not be able to get past the front door by next year.
For your bin kits of up to 400kg shelf weight loading, contact Monarch Shelving Limited today. We also stock basic plastic bin kits, chrome shelf kits, used shelving and much more. For low prices and high quality, contact us today.