Planning Tips on Upgrading your Pallet Racking System

When you take a look into your current warehouse pallet racking system you will probably be looking at ways to improve the overall operations of your warehouse such as with pallet racking systems in the UK.

Whilst many business owners become complacent with their existing racking layout, they also provide a sense of formality for the management and staff who work with them. Many business owners do not realise that by seeking improvements to racking or even upgrading over time, they are providing the ability to streamline their workforce and improve profitability.

Here we take a look at some tips to help you improve your business operations through your pallet racking systems.

Pallet Racking Systems in the UK

Many businesses carry on operations for many years without properly mapping out the warehouse space.

Having a fully mapped out space plan that details the exact locations of all columns, shipping and receiving, load-bearing walls and other aspects not only provide you with a great layout to help adequately plan changes to your racking operations but also helps to showcase some underutilized areas such as break rooms or disused offices where you can implement further warehouse storage equipment.

Utilise Above Space

Many businesses that established themselves as far back as the 80s may still operate with racking that sticks to older laws of a 30 feet maximum height.

Today, most warehouses take advantage of their racking being able to reach upwards of 40 feet, which is where older systems can now improve their operations by bringing in racking to better utilise that space. If you have forklifts within your operations that can but not reaching the maximum height, then that is quite a waste. Many business owners don’t think vertically when looking for the best use of space.

Plan your Expansion From the Start

As a business owner, your key goal in any decision is all centred around the growth of your business, and the same can be said of your overall warehouse premises.

Whilst it is possible to adjust and extend systems over time, having a system upfront that can readily handle the extra product that requires space can save on your operations having to halt at some point to handle the expansion.

Later upgrading can result in calculating all costs with the rack, design, installation and training as well as upgrades to forklifts and other equipment that will need to be changed. By having everything ready from the beginning you save a lot of time and costs down the line.

For those business owners ready to save on the unnecessary distraction and better utilise their space with pallet racking systems in the UK, contact the team at Monarch Shelving today.