Which Shelving is for You?

All workplaces are different and require different approaches to being provided with commercial shelving units, racking and storage requirements. If you have warehouses, offices, storerooms and other areas within the perimeter then you may require differing warehouse storage equipment throughout.

How do you know which area requires different storage solutions?

Understanding Difference

Whilst you may think one solution is just as good as another as long as they are simply stacked away, it is not the case at all. If you choose the wrong storage type then you stand to be in a lot of trouble, and not just to the money in your budget you have just wasted.

It takes some forward thought and some guidance from a professional to be able to correctly ascertain what storage is needed for what area. You need to take into account such things as height, weight capacity and storage that will be placed onto it.


In an office environment, the shelving requirements generally fall into light-duty shelving. Being lightweight and easy to put together, it suits the general look and feel of an office environment is being able to store everything from folders to important binders and even awards.

To make sure the product lasts the longest, weight should be evenly spread across the shelves to avoid any dipping from heavier objects placed.

Storage or Stock Room

Depending on the type of stock you are looking to place on your shelving in this area, there are many different types of commercial shelving you can choose from.

Whilst generally considered too small an area for larger pallet based racking, commercial shelving units can store food, boxes or files that are generally considered medium-heavy products. These shelves will have to be cautiously stacked though for fear of overloading them.

Factory or Warehouse

Manufacturing and distribution is a typically big area of operation that encompasses a large array of different stocks flying in and out all day and night.

Assuming you require storing bulky and heavier supplies or equipment around the warehouse, more heavy-duty storage such as pallet racking would be the ideal choice. Pallet racking systems can store upwards of 2,000kg per shelf and are bolted to the ground and sometimes the walls to ensure that they are stable and strong enough to take the abnormally larger stock.

When it comes to kitting out your business premises the right way, you need to talk with professionals who know which is the best for you. Contact the team at Monarch Shelving today.