Faulty Forklifts – Time to Repair or Replace?

It’s often difficult to say goodbye to a trusty forklift that has served your warehouse faithfully for years…maybe even decades. For one thing, you can’t help but get at least a bit attached to them, having got to know them and the way they work like the back of your hand. On top of this, there is also the cost factor – it’s not as if new forklifts come particularly cheap.

Still, there comes a time when it simply doesn’t make sense to continue repairing a forklift, meaning the only option is to replace it. But when exactly can you be sure that this time comes? When could you be far better off replacing your current forklift, as opposed to once again having it repaired?

1. Cost of Maintenance

Well, first of all you need to work out exactly how much it is costing you to run the thing on an annual basis. Then, simply weigh this up over any number of years against the cost of picking up a new machine on something of a hire-purchase scheme. There’s every chance that the money you are spending to continually repair and operate a fast-failing forklift could easily stretch to a newer model. Which when considering the enhanced efficiency and performance you’d also benefit from could indicate something of a no brainer.

2. Downtime

Of course, it isn’t just the costs of required maintenance and upkeep that need to be considered. Instead, there is the way in which a forklift undergoing repairs having let you down again also means expensive downtime. After all, whenever it is inoperable, it isn’t making you any money…it’s losing it. Downtime can be more costly and detrimental in some business environments than others, but chances are it isn’t doing your own business any good.

3. Safety and Damage

One of the biggest problems with ageing forklift trucks is the way in which they slowly but surely become nothing less than a hazard to health and safety. Even if they don’t go so far as to injure any members of the workforce, there’s every chance they could be doing damage to your shelving systems and even your goods. Every time you use the forklift truck that is on its way out, you put the safety of just about everything in your entire warehouse in jeopardy. So you have to ask yourself – is it really worth the risk?

On the plus side, should you determine that it is indeed necessary to go ahead and repair one or more forklifts, it doesn’t have to result in the kind of crippling expense in may once have. Along with a wide variety of hire purchase schemes to help spread the costs, there’s also an extraordinarily extensive and dynamic second-hand market. Check out exactly what’s on offer and you might find it a much easier decision to make – especially if you’re currently having trouble accepting the fact but it really might be time for it to go!