New or Used? Which Pallet Rack is Best for Me?

As part of our annual audit, we compiled a list of our most frequently asked questions. Our data show that up to 12% of our customers inquire about how to fix a pallet rack (contact us), while another 19% inquired whether they should repair or replace damaged racking (contact us). However the most common inquiry we had in 2015, was whether it’s better to buy new racking or used pallet racking.

As one of the top distributors of both, we can tell you that customers gasp when they first hear the price of racking. Yes, buying new warehouse storage equipment can be expensive, especially since you are buying multiples of frames, beams, protectors, decking etc.

Despite its steep price, brand new racking does have its advantages, including:

  • newer racks are often constructed from a higher grade of steel, and are thus more durable and up to 50% stronger than refurbished racks.
  • new racking can be designed to fit your warehouse space, and accommodate any specific storage requirements. With used racking, you’re stuck with the original configuration and have to figure out the best way to make it fit your space.
  • buying new racking is relatively stress-free; a Google search will turn up all types of sellers including big-brand stores and individual vendors. With used racking, you’ll spend time looking for a reliable supplier that you can visit and actually inspect the racking.
  • new racking also comes with a manufacturer’s warranty; which usually covers any repair or replacement within a specified period.

Great reasons all round, but based on its cost alone, many buyers opt for purchasing used or refurbished racking. However, we urge buyers to think beyond cost and consider other factors. What’s the point of buying a cheap storage system, only for it to collapse within a week? To determine if you’ll be getting your money’s worth with used racking, ask the seller the following questions:

1. Ask if you can contact the racking manufacturer; this allows you double-check if the pallet rack meets current usage specifications. Gaining access to the original manufacturer also allows you find out its current ranking and if there has been any discontinuation of its parts.

2. Has the pallet rack been damaged at any point in the past? Are there any structural integrity concerns you should be aware of? A visual inspection will often suffice but make sure you speak to the vendor and ask for more clarification, if needed.

3. What are the manufacturer-specified capacities of the pallet rack? To get this, measure the size of pallets to be stored, the approximate dimensions of the palletized load and calculate the load bearing capacity of the rack. Follow this up by contacting the manufacturer (or vendor) and find out if the rack will suit your needs. Eyeballing it and assuming “It looks alright, it should hold”, can lead to a rack collapse, loss of stock, and potential loss of life.

4. Is there a contact to call if there are any problems with the equipment? Finding vendors that offer after-sales service, in the form of call-outs, is extremely important. Make sure you do your due diligence and find a vendor who is knowledgeable and reliable.

If you can get answers to these questions, you are on track to finding a durable and affordable storage system. Finding a seller that will answer thee four questions isn’t difficult (WE will), but is buying new racking really all it’s cracked up to be? Finding high-quality used racking may take a little time, but here are some of its own advantages over new racking:

  • A quality refurbished rack will serve you just as well as a new one, and at a fraction of the price. If you are buying from a reputable seller, they may even repaint it to increase aesthetic appeal.
  • Because refurbished racking has its history documented, and you’ve initiated contact with the manufacturer (to answer the questions above), you’ll have a better idea of just how durable it is.
  • When buying used racking, you can often visit a vendor and inspect the components in person. This will allow you make a purchasing decision faster, thus saving you time in the long run.

So should you buy new or used? In the end, only you can make the decision based on your business goals. Can you afford a brand new rack at this time in your fiscal year, or will a refurbished rack handle the storage just as well?

Still stumped? Let Monarch Shelving help you; contact our team today and let us walk you through a comparison of new and used racking. We can answer all your racking-related questions and help you choose the right equipment for your needs (and wallet). Contact us here today.