Replace That Racking if…

You’ve all heard the term ‘shelf-life’ when it comes to inventory, but those very shelves themselves are also in need of being tossed out and replenished on occasion and replaced with a brand new pallet racking system.

Whereas simple faulty or old products can easily be replaced, faulty shelving and storage can lead to many problems including industrial accidents which will negatively impact your business.

Pallet racking is very durable and reliable when installed correctly and maintained to a proper degree, but there are hidden dangers which can play its fateful hand.

Repairs When Needed

Every pallet racking system requires general maintenance over time but if your racking is always showcasing fault then you need to think of the long term solution instead of small fixes.

Constant repairs are the equivalent of plaster over a wound; it may do the job whilst you take the short trip to get it dressed properly, but it’s still a risk. In this case, it’s a greater risk to your employees when it comes to potential injury.

Overloading, wear and tear or worse, whatever is causing your racking to warrant regular attention is just building to the inevitable. No matter if you tape it up yourself or employ a maintenance worker on the premises to fix the problem if they are persisting again and again then you are obviously not doing it right the first time. Then the inevitable happens in an accident or total collapse of your structure. Goodbye racking, goodbye stock and in the worst-case scenario goodbye staff member and hello court.

Deflecting Beams

Your beams will always show a slight deflect whenever they are presented with a heavy load and will disappear when that load is taken away. If your beam stays deflected then it is damaged and needs to be addressed straight away.

Putting any more stock on this beam will be putting the very real hazard of collapse and the health and safety of your employees at risk of the falling stock. This plays against any weight limits they may also have as it will not be operating at its full strength.

If you notice deflections in your pallet racking, you need replacement racking as soon as possible to hold the mass of your storage.


When faced with rust, flaking paint, tarnished beams or corrosion, you are facing the weakening of the metal.

If that metal is weakened then it stands to reason that the weight allowance is also weakened. Yet again this will lead to collapse on a fateful day it’s had too much. If this is currently happening then you need new pallet racking as it cannot be fixed and no solution is going to make it last any longer or strengthen it.

Call on the experts

Don’t opt for quick and easy fixes to your pallet warehouse storage equipment failures as they will lead quick and painful damage to your company, get the best pallet racking system.

Contact the team at Monarch Shelving to get the very best in commercial shelving and warehouse requirements.