How to Save Money on Pallet Racking and Accessories

While it’s true to say that pallet racking represents a major investment, this doesn’t mean it isn’t possible to make generous savings. When you think about it, pallet racking represents the single most important investment you’ll ever make for your storage facility. After all, without the required storage system, you’d simply be looking at an empty room of little value.

So with this in mind, what follows is a brief roundup of just a few tips on how to get the very best value for money from the pallet racking you pick up:

1. Buy in Bulk

First of all, you’re almost guaranteed to get a better deal on the hardware you need if you buy in bulk. Even if the service provider doesn’t state that bulk deals are available, it’s worth getting in touch to discuss your order. If you’re going to need a lot of hardware over time to get the job done, it simply makes sense to invest in as much of it as possible at the time you pick it up. More often than not, buying hardware ‘little and often’ represents the most expensive approach to stocking up on what you need.

2. Consider Used Items

Working with a quality brand means gaining access to extensive collections of second-hand pallet racking hardware for the lowest possible prices. Buying used from a stockist you know little about can be risky – both in terms of value for money and essential health & safety. However, buy from a responsible, reputable vendor and you’ll be looking at approved second-hand items that could save you a fortune. Again, it’s always worth getting in touch to discuss bulk deals and discounts.

3. Buy Quality Hardware

Buying quality hardware in the first place means investing in premium pallet racking that’s good for the life of your business. Or if not its full life, years and even decades of flawless performance. It’s often said that the buy substandard is to run the risk of buying twice, or even three times. This couldn’t be truer with pallet racking, as while the best hardware on the market may cost you more in the immediate moment, it will save you a fortune long-term in repair and replacement bills.

4. Protect and Preserve

There’s also a lot you can do to look after the integrity and safety of your pallet racking over the years – namely being to invest in appropriate protection and preservation accessories. Quite simply, anything you can add to prevent your racking being battered and bashed about can only be a good thing for its long-term reliability. The better you protect and look after it, the better the value for money you can expect to get from your investment.

5. Expert Installation and Maintenance

Last but not least, when it comes to installation, adjustments and any essential maintenance going forwards, it’s generally advisable to call in the professionals. While it may look like a relatively straightforward job, pallet racking systems are prime example of dangerous ‘domino effects’ just waiting to happen. Even the slightest oversight or error on your part can lead to all that’s around you (literally) crashing down without warning. So when it comes to any kind of installation, repairs or maintenance, be sure to speak to those who know exactly what they are doing.