Should I buy new or used pallet racking system?

When investing in a pallet racking system for your warehouse, you can either choose between new or used pallet racking system. Although new may be your go-to option, we highly recommend weighing the benefits of both before you make a snap decision.

How you choose your racking will come down to what you expect from your pallet racking and how it should benefit your business. What’s more, the quality of the used pallet racking will vary when you buy second-hand, so it is important to check things thoroughly before making a purchase. Here is everything you should consider when choosing new or used pallet racking.


Used pallet racking can be sold in different conditions depending on who or how many have owned it before you. Some may be on its last legs, whereas others may be in excellent condition. This is something that you, the buyer, must always check out in detail before you decide to buy, as any undisclosed issues may not be discovered until too late.

New racking should always come in top condition as no one will have used it before you, but this doesn’t mean it should always be chosen over used racking. Taking the time to research both options can pay off later on.

Quality and warranties

As mentioned, used pallet racking should be assessed individually to ensure you’re getting what you need. If you work with a reputable brand that offers high-quality used racking, quality will be less of a concern.

However, it is rare to find used pallet racking that comes with the same long-term warranty you’d find with new racking. If warranties are important, new is always best. No matter who you shop with, it is always best to ask as many questions as possible about the racking you wish to buy before completing any sale.


Finally, the biggest difference between new and used pallet racking is the price. It is safe to say that used pallet racking will always be considerably cheaper than new racking. However, as mentioned, the warranty may not be as long as what you would get with new pallet racking.

Whichever racking you choose will always come down to personal preference and budget. That being said, it is always important to make sure you go with a reputable pallet racking supplier that can deliver the quality they promise, such as Monarch! Get in touch to learn more about our pallet racking and other warehouse storage solutions.