How to Breathe New Life Into Your Store On a Budget

Here’s a question – is it really possible to revamp your entire store, if you have little to no money available to play with?

For a wide variety of reasons, store owners up and down the country periodically decide that the time has come to make changes. Whether struggling to get by or simply chasing bigger and better things, a visual revamp can make all the difference in the world to almost any store. The only problem being that wall-to- wall overhauls don’t usually come cheap.

Nevertheless, there are plenty of ways and means by which a store can be visually transformed, without having to overspend. It’s simply a case of being both creative and cost-savvy – the following tips and ideas representing a good place to start:

1 – A Lick of Paint

First of all, there’s nothing easier, cheaper and often more effective than just grabbing a can of paint and getting busy with a brush. To change the colour of your store’s interior walls is to immediately give the impression that the whole place has been revamped and revitalised. Even just paining one ‘feature’ wall a difference colour can make a huge difference – as can having a go at repainting any appropriate furniture you have around the store.

2 – A New Layout

One excellent way of breathing new life into your store without actually having to spend a penny is to simply experiment with a new layout. By working with your current displays and shelving systems, chances are you’ll be able to come up with all manner of ideas for giving your store a new look and feel. Take measurements, sit down with a few sheets of paper and draft out a few ideas for a new store layout. And while doing so, be sure to ask for the input of both your staff and customers alike.

3 – Shelving Upgrades

Speaking of shelving, this represents another option for an affordable store makeover of enormous impact. Perhaps think about investing in taller, more efficient shelving solutions to free up space and give your store a less cluttered and claustrophobic feel. Or if you already have plenty of space to play with, why not introduce additional shelving units and make the most of the space available?

4 – Lighting

Like paint, lighting can make an immediate and significant difference to any store’s interior aesthetic – all without going OTT on the spending. One great way of working with lighting is to consider installing feature lighting, diverting focus and attention to key areas of your store. You could also experiment with coloured lighting above and around relevant displays.

5 – Window Displays

Last but not least, if you don’t have the time or money to invest in a store-wide makeover, why not focus on your window displays? Given the fact that these will always be the first things your customers see before entering the building, it simply makes sense to focus on making them as high-impact as possible. Tell a story, while presenting the very best of what you do and what your brand stands for in a condensed display of the highest calibre.