Extending the Shelf Life of Store Shelving

While store shelving doesn’t tend to be the most expensive of all essential business investments, the highest quality shelving systems certainly don’t come for free. Which is precisely why it makes sense to take care of your investment, rather than leave yourself open to once again having to fork out for new shelving. Premium shelving manufactured to the highest quality standards and properly looked after can have an indefinite lifespan. But at the same time, take your shelving systems for granted and it won’t be long before they need replacing.

So with this in mind, what follows is a brief overview of just a few basic tips for extending the shelf life of your in-store shelving:

Regular Cleaning

First of all, it’s important to get into the habit of thoroughly cleaning your store shelving on a regular basis. Of course, housekeeping in its own right represents an important element in the running of any store, but it can also play a role in taking care of your shelving. Not only does regular cleaning help protect both the finish and integrity of your shelving, but it also gives you the perfect opportunity to note any minor imperfections, repairs or replacements needed.

Bollards or Barriers

It’s largely inevitable that over time, quite a lot of customers and their trolleys will find themselves banging into the shelves around your store. And with each such impact, the integrity and reliability of your shelves takes a small step closer to disaster. As such, you might want to think about installing a basic bollards or barriers around your shelves, in order to prevent this from happening. This is of particular importance when it comes to shelving used to display or store fragile or heavy items, which may be damaged or cause damage upon accidental collision.

Sensible Loads

Speaking of heavy items, it is critically important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines to the letter when it comes to exactly what any given shelf can and cannot hold. All shelves and shelving systems have their own unique limitations when it comes to the kinds of weights they can support, before the integrity of the shelf is put at risk. Even if you overstep the mark by just a few kilograms, chances are you are not doing any favours to the longevity, reliability and safety of your shelves.

Sharp Edges

The same also goes for storing any items that have the kinds of sharp edges and corners that are likely to scratch and grind away at the surface of your shelves when moved. This kind of surface damage can in some instances increase the risk of rusting and corrosion, so it pays to be mindful when it comes to storing and displaying items with sharp edges or abrasive surfaces.

Periodic Maintenance

Last but not least, the very worst thing anyone can do when it comes to taking care of store shelving is to simply sit around and wait for something disastrous to happen. Sooner or later, every shelving system will need repairing or replacing. As such, it simply makes sense to regularly inspect your store shelves and carry out whatever maintenance is required, as and when it is required. The alternative is to wait for the whole thing to come crashing down (perhaps literally) and find yourself with a much bigger problem. Not to mention, a much bigger bill at the same time!