New year, new warehouse!

Are you looking for how to improve warehouse efficiency? If you have come across numerous issues with your warehouse facility over the last year, it might be time for a fresh start. If you don’t think you need a full-blown makeover, you could still make a few amendments here and there for better storage solutions. So, what can you do in 2020 to improve your warehouse?

New shelving

First and foremost, have you taken the time to think about how upgrading your shelving systems may improve your warehouse facility? From optimising available space to improved health and safety regimes, up-to-date shelving can do wonders for how to improve warehouse efficiency effectively.


If you don’t intend on going as far as completely replacing your shelving, you could consider reorganising the layout of the warehouse. Even the smallest changes can make a huge difference. From making sure you have easy access to your high-demand stock to finding uses for empty spaces, there is so much you can do!


Clutter is one of the biggest problems with warehouses. Not only is it a nuisance, but it can be a huge health and safety hazard! Rid your warehouse of any unnecessary items and make way for new and improved products!

Introduce IT

Another way to improve your warehouse efficiency is by introducing the latest IT systems that are designed to reduce manual work such as stock checks and assessments. It’s worth looking online for different systems that may benefit your business.

Time to outsource

Finally, you may decide that 2020 is the year for your business to outsource your warehousing needs. Doing so comes with numerous benefits, all of which you can read about here and here! Get in touch with Monarch Shelving today for all your warehouse shelving and storage solutions.