Shop Shelving – Why it Pays to Buy the Best

While it may be true to say the primary purpose of store shelving is to display and accommodate goods, it also says a lot about the way you do business. Chances are that on more than one occasion, you yourself have wandered into a store only to be given the impression that you had in fact wondered accidentally into an unkempt warehouse. Suffice to say, this isn’t usually the kind of first impression most retailers are going for, though can be inevitable if insufficient thought is given to shelving requirements.

With shelves being largely functional assets, it’s natural to assume that investing in the cheapest and most basic units simply to get the job done makes perfect sense. After all, why spend more than necessary on higher quality shelf units?

Well, the simple answer comes in the form of multiple answers – each of which clearly illustrates why buying the best can be advantageous for most businesses:

Brand Image

As already touched upon, any store without shelves would essentially be an empty room with products piled up one on top of the next. While there’s more to creating a strong brand image than shelving alone, the way you present your store from front to back will say a great deal about how you operate and your professionalism in general. Just as poor quality shelving doesn’t tend to give the ideal first impression, impeccable quality shelving accentuates the pride and professionalism of the business in question.

Use of Space

Another critically important consideration is that of whether or not the chosen shelving solution allows the business in question to make the very best use of all available space. High quality shelving systems and associated products are specifically designed and manufactured in order to ensure that they occupy minimal floor space while providing maximum capacity for displaying goods. Needless to say, this is a consideration of even greater importance in instances where space is at a premium – hence why smaller stores and businesses would be wise to consider shelving upgrades.

Health and Safety

Something else to take into account is the way in which the shelving systems you choose for your store will to a large extent play a role in overall health and safety management. This applies to the health and safety of both the workforce and your customers, who will be interacting with and moving around your shelving systems at all times. High quality shelving systems are designed to be comprehensively safe – the same not necessarily being said for bargain basement installations.

Cost Effectiveness

Last but not least, it’s worth remembering that to invest in the highest quality shelving for your business is to make a long-term investment in extraordinary performance and quality. It’s all well and good to cut corners and save money by investing in low-grade shelving systems in the first instance, but given the fact that they will require frequent maintenance and perhaps even replacements, it’s hardly the kind of saving that makes sense long-term. As they always say, buy wrong, buy twice!