Adapting to New Storage Environments

The economy has seen some pretty significant shifts in 2021 where every kind of business has found itself rapidly adjusting to the needs of the new environment we are in.

Ever since the global pandemic, the buying habits of the public have majorly changed. The eCommerce market has skyrocketed whilst high street stores have found themselves scrambling to keep their doors open whilst consumers focus on the ease of online buying.

This has caused quite the strain on the logistics industry to adapt at a much quicker rate to meet the new demand, especially for the onset of next day delivery practice. This has put added ripple effect pressure on warehouses to have stock flying through at greater velocity and much greater volume in terms of stock.

This means a huge increase in warehousing space demand, which is now expected to rise even further. Whilst most business owners may feel the immediate need to purchase new warehouse land, there is also something that can accelerate the space needed to meet the demand in evaluating your current storage requirements and systems.


In your current warehouse set-up, there may be stock stored on pallet racking that is better suited to a form of commercial shelving which can be stocked in a side room that is currently not utilised.

By conducting a full breakdown of your current stock housing, you may discover that unnecessary stocking on various sized items is taking up huge potential for better storage. Stocking smaller items in a side room that are easily accessible provides a larger focus on what can be done with your warehouse layout for larger stock.

The other aspect to examine is how your stock is currently picked by workers. It may be a case of disorganised picking lanes that could be improved by listening to your workforce feedback in regards to aisles and what could be improved.


When it comes to your current industrial storage racks, it could simply be a time to stock upwards instead of outwards. Once you have looked into shifting smaller items to shelving units, you can evaluate if your current racking could make better space by taking it to the building ceiling to be accessible by forklift.

If your current racking system is a bit outdated and could use something more modern and sustainable to stack to the ceiling. The team at Monarch Shelving are expert at working on racking systems for all kinds of bespoke requirements.

Call on us today to evaluate your system for warehouse storage equipment.