Saving Space in the Workplace

As a business owner with a sizable warehouse operation, there are countless ways you can find yourself playing catch up on organising your business to get the most out of the space you can fill up by using different types of warehouse storage systems.

Whilst making the most of the space by getting as much out of it as possible is one way to go, there is also a consideration in reducing the amount of clutter you can build up at the same time.

Reduce the Scattering

In all offices, storerooms and warehouses you are bound to experience smaller products scattered across your shelving units.

Not only does this cause problems in trying to locate the product but also it is taking up valuable space that belongs to something else. One way to combat these scattered items is to box them, containing them in organised boxes as a way to retain the organisation you require to effectively process stock. Even the smallest item loose in a spot can make it feel congested.

Box up those little things into an organised containment option.

Stack Upwards

Your warehouse may have fully stacked aisles from wall to wall and still be struggling to house stock.

Items tend to double in size as the busier seasons roll upon us, but you can combat it by having your pallet racking move upwards. Expanding your pallet racking upwards provides an opportunity to take advantage of unused ceiling space so that you can add stock and stability to your operation without having to stack at the end of aisles.

Layout Organisation

As your company expands and grows in stature your floor space will undoubtedly start to decrease.

In order to be more efficient with your space, you may need to shift around your commercial shelving systems, possibly moving them from a central space to a walled occupancy. Shifting more bulkier products and supplies from one side of the room to its own area exclusively may also provide adequate spacing, reducing your cramped and inefficient working space.

Upgrade Solutions

As time has moved on so has the designs and streamlining potential of industrial storage racks.

There could be great potential in upgrading your current pallet racking to something that does not take up as much space in aisles and is reinforced to take on much more stock than you currently have.

For further options in warehouse storage equipment and office equipment Manchester to save space in your warehouse operations, contact the team at Monarch Shelving today for different types of warehouse storage systems.