How to make your warehouse more accessible this year

Coming up with ways to make your warehouse more accessible and improving warehouse efficiency can seem like a bit of a head-scratcher for some. So if you are looking to enhance and improve the accessibility in your warehouse, here are some tried and tested tips to help get you started!

Make sure you have a large enough receiving space

Firstly, improving warehouse efficiency means ensuring the staff have all the room they need to deal with the items coming in and out. If there isn’t a large enough receiving space, things can find themselves becoming a nuisance. Think carefully about how you store your items and the available space in which you process and handle them.


We have mentioned this many times before, but this is something that is still often overlooked by many warehouse owners. You are missing out on plenty of warehouse space if you refuse to focus on vertical space! One of the best ways to solve improving warehouse efficiency is to think about investing in vertical storage solutions to help clear up floor space and improve storage convenience.

Open aisles

Similarly, you need to think about how much space is available in your aisles. The wider and clearer the aisles, the better chance you have of getting the job done in a timely manner as you will not find yourself clambering over things to get to the products you need.

Finding a permanent home for your items

Too often does merchandise within a warehouse find itself being shifted around from one place to the next, usually for no particular reason. This does nothing to benefit the warehouse or aid accessibility and usually results in a more complex picking process than is necessary. However, if you designate permanent homes for your items, finding what you need will be simple!


Finally, it is always worth considering replacing stairs with ramps wherever applicable. This will open up access for lifting equipment or vehicles, while at the same time reducing transportation time and potential complications for particular employees.

Get in touch with Monarch Shelving today for all your warehouse needs.