Maximising the Warehouse Space

At certain points of every year, there is an influx of stock that backs up every aisle of your warehouse, and it tends to be the nightmare of every warehouse manager up and down the country. This is the main reason that warehouse owners are looking for solutions to a more organised warehouse.

In line with expansion, this problem provides the same thought process – you need to get more space. Many directors will automatically jump to the real point; what is this going to cost the business to buy new space? Surprisingly this question is brought up much more than the real question – What could we do to make better use of space?

Some procedures could be put into effect to better maximise your space without the need of extending your operations or property.


If you look over the original plans for your warehouse layout, you will be able to tell if thought for future growth was on the cards from the get-go. Many warehouses were not configured with this in mind, which then leads to a lot of upheavals.

If your stock is pushed up tight against your warehouse walls and stock is harder to find for your workforce, or if you have more levels of damaged stock due to cramming, then simply look at how your layout can be improved by higher storage pallet racking and more streamlined warehouse storage equipment. Implementing this measure will require some downtime so it is best to do it during quieter periods.

Inventory Audit

Having stock that no longer sells is taking up way too much space than it should have.

By undertaking a stock audit of all your inventory, you can determine the stock you have in comparison to what is needed, and use storage space to put stock that is simply using up valuable space that could be better utilised by more in demand stock.

Evaluate Training

If your stock is not stacked to the right requirements, or your industrial storage racks are not maximised how they could be, a lot of headaches and stress can be relieved by simply retraining your staff as to how things should be.

The one thing to combat is staff saying they have not had adequate training on anything within the business, and by providing them with training exercises they will feel that you are investing in them and there should be no problems when it comes to space utilisation in the premises.

Instead of buying a second warehouse or extending your current one, evaluate if all of your long-lasting commercial shelving still meets your requirements or if it can be upscaled for longer and more effective use.

Contact the team at Monarch Shelving today for all your organised warehouse solutions for storage.