5 Ways To Get More Use Out Of Your Existing Racking System.

As a critical point in the distribution and supply chain, warehouses need to maintain an efficient and error-free environment.

As with any operation, the various departments can sometimes fail to mesh perfectly together.

Something as minor as accurately knowing the amount of available space on your shelves can have an adverse effect on the bottomline.

Many companies fail to maximise every inch of space on their shelves and thus keeping goods on coming through the door. One way of increasing potential profits is by increasing the available space for stocking goods. While you may balk at having to spend more money for outfitting your warehouse, there are low-cost tweaks you can use to maximise storage capacity. I mean without spending an extra penny on installing additional bays.

Keep in mind that the distribution industry is very dynamic. Almost no two truck loads are exactly the same.

One hour, you may be required to store freshly cut 6 foot plant cuttings; and next week you may have to help distribute frozen meat across England.

Keeping this dynamism in mind, it is counter intuitive to use the standard approach of having the racks created. Consider which products you receive and stock often. Work out and see just how much space each product will occupy. Next, consider the best type of racking and shelving you have and what you may need to add.

Here are our tips for using what you have to achieve even more returns.

1. Use Containers To Store Small Parts.
Depending on the goods you store, you can use small containers to increase efficiency. Smaller parts and products can be stored in containers that can even be stacked on each other. This allows you double and even treble your existing space. The use of proper labelling and placement allows you to quickly pick stock and easily replenish depleted inventory.

2. Make Use of Every Space.
The most common racking solution is to install pallet racking or drive-in racking according to a pre-planned or existing floor plan. Did you know that it is possible to gain more precious feet? You can take advantage of airspace between shelving to create more space. Keeping the dynamism discussed earlier in mind, its not advisable to have the same height of pallet racking; unless all the products you stock are exactly the same.

One way to gauge if you are wasting space is to measure the space between the top of the product and the bottom of the shelf above. If the space is more than the height of the product, you should consider installing extra beams. These days, extending your pallet capacity is easy as many racking systems have bolt-on components to create the ideal racking for your business.

You can also add panels to the ends of the existing shelving systems to create even more spaces. This allows you to increase storage capacity with minimal investment and no additional floor space used.

3. Drawers Can Help.
Another space saver is the use of drawers. Yes, I said drawers. Many warehouse managers instantly think of shelves when they first set up shop. Metal or plastic drawer systems can be added to increase capacity without using any extra floor space. From individual shelf trays to installing custom shelves with bins, these drawers can be customised to any depth depending on the products you carry.

4. Use Metal Dividers.
Using metal dividers with shelving systems can stop products from spreading or spilling all over the warehouse floor. They can also be used to provide an effective sorting solution for goods received. Metal dividers can be procured in a broad range of sizes; from V-Dividers to separate large but flat items like doors to smaller dividers to keep tools apart.

5. Use RetroFitting.
Sure you splashed a pretty penny on the existing racking system, but if it isn’t serving your purposes or delivering maximum ROI, you need to do something about it. With the ability to retrofit racking systems, you can transform under-used racking systems, and even change their primary storage purpose. A well designed system will be highly effective and efficient, especially if it is tailored to the goods you actually work with.

At Monarch Shelving Limited, our plastic bins have helped businesses such as small garages, keep track of every tiny nut and bolt; and our shelves are capable of being retro fitted to your unique needs. Call us today for a quote.