January Sales Merchandising Tips

If you’re planning on having a January sale this year, the way you approach merchandising will have a big impact on how successful you are. New Year sales represent a unique opportunity to both boost sales and get rid of surplus stock, but you’ll need to be strategic about how you get the job done.

So for those looking to make the most of the New Year in-store sales, here’s a quick rundown of a few key merchandising tips for making it happen:

Focus on Must-Sell Stock

First of all, make sure that any and all stock you simply have to get rid of is given the most attention. Anything you have that will still have selling-value in the days and weeks to come can take something of a backseat. Make sure that the stock you need to get rid of is as prominently displayed as possible. Place it right there in the entrance to your store, at the checkout in a prominent position and anywhere else your customers won’t be able to miss it.

Heavy Discounts Early

Don’t fall into the trap of starting out with modest discounts of 5% or 10%, only to then move onto the bigger 50% and 75% discounts later in January. The reason being that the more time that passes, the less interest your customers will have in the seasonal stock you need to get rid of. The best advice is to dive right into the most generous discounts you can get away with, in order to shift the stock you need to shift before interest dries up.

Capitalise on Christmas

Speaking of which, chances are that for a short while after the big day itself, your customers will still be very in the Christmas spirit. As such, it can be useful to keep your store and your displays as festive as possible, capitalising on the remaining sentiment while it lasts. Try not to make it look like you’re heavily discounting Christmas items because it’s all over, but rather out of generosity.

Bundles and Freebies

This can also be a great time to capitalise on the appeal of bundles and freebies, as a means by which to get rid of your surplus Christmas stock. An alternative to heavily discounting seasonal items is to bundle them together with others, or offer them as freebies with the purchase of normal-priced items. Even when the items being given away are of limited value or use to the shopper, the simple fact is that most people are powerless to resist a freebie or two!

Contests and Prize Draws

Last but not least, one great way of getting customers to come to your store and most likely return for more is to organise some kind of contest or prize draw. Take any number of seasonal items you’ll be needing to get rid of, bundle them together in some kind of hamper/basket and sell tickets for the price of your choosing. Or better yet, give tickets away free with every £5, £10 or whatever amount of money your customers spend. Place the prize right there in the entrance to your store or at the cash desk, in order to ensure they don’t miss it!