Making room for Seasonal Changes in your Warehouse

Just like every high street retailer, those with e-commerce stores must make some changes when the seasons change. As customer spending habits shift throughout the year, you will often find that your inventory selling routine changes. So, with autumn making its way in, here are some things you can do to make room for seasonal changes in your warehouse.

Sale Vs Clearance

The first thing is to acknowledge the difference between a sale and clearance. A sale is designed to increase unit sales and drive customer interest. A clearance, on the other hand, is designed to reduce inventory to as little as possible. These are usually products that retailers cannot shift and have likely already made a loss on. This is why it’s worth considering which items fit into which bracket.

Stagnant Stock Is Costing You Money

There are often products that sit around for long periods of time that do nothing more than cost you money. The longer this stock if left there, the higher the chances of the packaging being damaged, manufacturers changing their packaging or changes of consumer habits that prolong their shelf-life. It’s important to be ruthless in the stock you take to ensure you don’t allow stock to cost you money.

Target Your Best Customers

If you have decided to clear out your stock, you may want to promote it to your customers first. They are more likely to take advantage of your clearance offer, especially at a crazy low price. Target those who have purchased similar or the same products in the past for a better chance of sales.

Position Prominently

Instead of dedicating a page of your website to clearance items, consider positioning them prominently across your existing pages like you would your new and best products. Bring them to the forefront of your website and let people know it’s a deal that cannot be missed.

Sell Elsewhere

Finally, it’s always worth remembering that if you cannot sell to customers, you may be able to use online auction sites and marketplaces where people may buy in bulk for their own selling purposes.