Storing and Moving Fragile Items in your Warehouse

Fragile items in the warehouse can pose a unique challenge when compared to your typical items. It is vital when packing fragile items for moving or storage that they are well protected. However, moving fragile items in the warehouse from one area of storage to another is just as important as everything else you hold.

This is why anyone who works in a warehouse environment could benefit from revisiting a few basic methods of practice and the best solutions when packing fragile items for moving. This advice may seem tired and overused, but if you don’t look back on these guidelines then you could find yourself skipping a step.

Where to store

It is often advised that you organise your warehouse in a way that allows easy access to fragile items. Doing so will reduce the risk of these items breaking should they fall from a great height.

However, it is equally important that you find a place where your fragile items will not be susceptible to impact. This includes both your workers, your machinery and any vehicles that are used around the warehouse. If your fragile items are exposed, you should probably consider moving them.

It may seem like common sense to keep all of your fragile items together in one space, it’s important to remember that if something were to happen, all items would be affected. Instead, spread them around in suitable places as opposed to keeping them together.


If you have a particular area designed for storing fragile items, you may want to consider investing in safety mesh or netting for the back of your shelving units. This will eliminate the chance of any items being pushed off the back when loading or moving the items around.

You should also clearly label your items if they are being packed away for extra protection. This will help make workers aware of what’s inside.

Additionally, you should pay attention to the environment of the area in which you place your fragile stock. Consider the lighting, clear walkways and shelving condition to keep your stock in the safest environment possible.

For packing materials, be careful. Though you may be tempted to pack as much paper in a box to secure the items, the tighter the packaging the higher chance of damage or breakage in the event of an impact. Instead, semi-fill it to keep the items safe.


Finally, when it comes to transporting your fragile items, think about the best method of doing so. Would it be better for a person to carry the items or would machine transportation be better? This will likely depend on the equipment you use and the items you are handling, so be sure to check.

Get in touch with Monarch Shelving today and learn more about protecting items stored in your warehouse.