Warehouse Costs: Cheaper Business Shipping

For many businesses, one of the largest and inevitable expenses is shipping. You cannot avoid the fact that you need to bring the products to the customers somehow. However, the more you spend on shopping, the lower your profits. We understand that offering A+ shipping is part of a business’s success, but this doesn’t mean you can’t save money in the process. With this in mind, here are a few tips for cheaper business shipping.

Next day delivery

For one, you may wish to avoid next-day delivery or same-day courier services if possible. This is because, although they can be quite convenient for customers, they can also come at a much higher price than standard shipping. What’s more, standard first-class tends to arrive between 24 and 84 hours anyway, so it may be a wasted investment.

Packaging materials

Another area in which you can save money is the costs of the materials you choose for posting your goods. You may wish to get into the habit of re-using the boxes your own deliveries arrive in to then post out to customers. Even if the packaging isn’t perfect, you will likely receive a positive response from your customers as they will acknowledge the fact that you are recycling. And while postage and packaging materials are not particularly costly, it will add up over time.


While you may naturally lean towards one of the more obvious delivery services, it is always worth comparing the market for better deals. Believe it or not, there are actually many businesses in operation that specialise in various delivery services.

Large orders

When delivering numerous times to the same address, it is important to consider your available delivery options. In fact, there are many instances in which you can save money posting multiple packages as opposed to a single package that weighs more. The trick is to keep yourself informed on postage costs in accordance with package size and weight to make the right decision.

Think local

Finally, if you keep your services local as opposed to national, you may want to consider hiring a dedicated delivery drive. Over time, paying an individual to care for your deliveries could not only save you money but also ensure that your customers receive a high-quality delivery service with each purchase.