Keeping your warehouse safe during winter

It’s common in winter for your warehouse to become inherently more hazardous. Despite what you may believe, this doesn’t just apply to work environments that involve outdoor work. Warehouses are the biggest examples of how certain workplaces can become dangerous during winter. However, keeping hazards at bay is easy if you follow these warehouse health and safety tips!


To start, one of the most important warehouse health and safety tips, is that it is important to remind yourself of how high-quality mats and carpets can improve health and safety in the workplace. Though you may find yourself slightly annoyed at how easily they can pick up dirt, they are there to reduce the likelihood of slips and falls. Wherever you find floor space that has a chance of becoming slippery and wet during the winter months, it is crucial that you lay the correct mats and carpets to keep everyone safe.


Those in charge of the warehouse should be ensuring that all workers are present and correct. And when we say “correct”, we are talking about appropriate footwear for specific working conditions. If it’s icy and slippery, working in the wrong footwear can be incredibly dangerous. This cannot be taken for granted, as some members of the team may take this light-heartedly. Be proactive and make sure each team member is wearing the correct footwear for certain weather conditions.


Another important area is controlling the temperature of the building. Considering how prolonged cold temperatures or dramatic switches from hot to cold can have a marked impact on employee’s health, this is something you must always keep an eye on. It can be difficult to keep the workforce healthy and happy during this time of year, especially with coughs and colds spreading at a rapid rate. This is why you must keep the temperatures level!


For delivery areas, you must be proactive to keep them as safe as can be. Whether you need to shovel snow, set bollards or lay salt, there are plenty of ways in which you can keep deliveries area safe during the winter months.


Finally, constant supervision of all areas and the involvement of each worker is key to keeping the warehouse safe. Keep a watchful eye on potential hazards and deal with them as soon as you spot any issues instead of leaving them until it develops into something much bigger.

Get in touch with Monarch Shelving for all your warehousing needs.