How To Give Your Warehouse Shelving Units More Life!

While you needn’t put all your warehouse budget into the most expensive warehouse shelving units, you can still seek quality. This is why it makes sense to take care of your shelving as opposed to leaving space in the budget for replacements later on. Premium shelving that is properly looked after can last a lifetime. Here is a guide on how to care for your shelving to ensure you needn’t replace it any time soon.

Regular cleaning

Be sure to get into the habit of cleaning your warehouse shelving units on a regular basis. Housekeeping is generally important for any business establishment, but warehouse shelving can often find itself overlooked. Not only does regular cleaning protect your shelving, but it also helps you notice small imperfections, repairs or potential replacements.

Bollards or barriers

Warehouse workers may find themselves bumping into things once in a while, sometimes with their machinery. Each impact can affect the integrity of your shelves, which is why you may wish to install basic bollards or barriers to prevent this from happening.

Sensible loads

We have mentioned this numerous times, but it’s important to keep it in mind that you should never overload your warehouse shelving units with more weight than they can manage. All shelves and shelving systems come with their own unique weight limits, something that should not be overlooked as it can put the integrity of the shelf at risk. Even if you overstep the mark only slightly, it will not do the shelving any favours.

Sharp edges

The same applies for storing any items that have sharp edges that are likely to scratch and grind down at the surface of your shelves when moved. This kind of surface damage can sometimes cause rust or corrosion, so be sure to pay attention when storing items witch sharp edges or abrasive surfaces.

Periodic maintenance

Finally, the worst thing anyone can do when taking care of warehouse shelving is to sit around and wait for a disaster. Every shelving system will need repairing or replacing at some point, so it makes sense to inspect your store shelves and carry out whatever maintenance is necessary, as and when it needs doing. The alternative thing to do is to wait for the entire thing to come crashing down (sometimes literally) and face an even bigger problem at a heftier price.