What Warehouse Pallet Racking should you Choose?

We understand that choosing the right warehouse pallet racking can often be quite confusing. There are just so many different systems available with different solutions! You may not even be clear on what system will work best for you and your warehouse.

Choosing the right Warehouse Pallet Racking

Luckily, this is where Monarch Shelving Ltd can help. We can work with you to create the most efficient system for your warehouse operations, whether it be new or simply improving what you already have. This week, we shall be discussing the different types of warehouse pallet racking that might work for your business.

Standard Aisle

Standard aisle warehouse pallet racking is an affordable and versatile option. You will find that it is the perfect choice for most warehouses. What’s more, it is compatible with standard forklifts.

Narrow Aisle

Need more space but can’t afford to relocate? Narrow Aisle warehouse pallet racking might be a good alternative. This type of pallet racking works by squeezing the aisles closer together and utilises height. This makes narrow aisle pallet racking perfect for any warehouse that struggles with making the most of its square footage.


This method uses quite a similar principle to block stacking. Drive-in pallet racking is a brilliant option if your warehouse works with a lot of bulk storage (which it likely does).

Pallet Shuttle System

This has a similar purpose to drive in or pallet flow system. A pallet shuttle system enables high-density storage. The system is semi-automated and is designed to handle goods inside the racking. As a result, the need for forklifts entering the racks is no longer necessary.

Pallet Flow

Pallet Flow is designed to work with a first in and last out principle. It is ideal for high-density storage and enables easy access to the goods you need.

Push Back

Push back is a high-density storage system. It makes the most of the floor space by using a block stacking method. It is quite similar to drive in pallet racking.

Mobile Power Racks

Mobile Power Racks use conventional pallet racking on motorised rails. This allows you to asses the area at a specific request. Doing so will give you the versatility of Standard Aisle while minimising the use of square footage.

Get in Touch with Monarch Shelving Ltd

We hope that this guide helps to give you a clearer understanding of the kind of pallet racking you could benefit from. Once you have a better idea of the warehouse pallet racking that you need, then it’s time to make an investment. Get in touch with Monarch Shelving Ltd today to see which of our new and used pallet racking would benefit your warehouse.