Is Ecommerce Pushing Your Business Storage Forward?

Before the pandemic, the future of ecommerce was already on a huge surge and seen as the next logical step in shopping and consumer behaviour. As the high street stores became obsolete during the pandemic and lockdowns, warehouses and logistics industries had to think fast and take immediate action to circumvent the change forced upon them.

In today’s marketplace, Amazon can provide everything a user could want, and with people getting tired of wearing masks or being around other people, eCommerce is now king.

Feeling the Shift

Whilst businesses and retail outlets look at ways to diversify and bring a better focus online, warehousing and logistics are taking steps to support the changeover. Now is the time when out of stock can lead to complete loss of sale for businesses, and today’s online client is not the type to come back later when stock is back.

The ability to replenish the stock in a fast turn-around and have it as quick as the next day calls for adequate storage so as not to have to claim there is no more room. With this in mind, warehouses and logistic operations need to have a comprehensive review of their current storage facilities and systems, how they work and what processes and equipment suddenly make them catch up with the swift demand.

Review Existing Systems

Pallet racking may need a drastic overhaul to maintain the rapid flow of stock currently flying through your warehouse. The key components to look at is the stock capacity, picking times and aisle space available.

Some stock that you currently harbour could do well with commercial shelving instead, especially if they are smaller stock which is oddly placed between larger, bulkier items. Stock that is large and not as in demand as other stock could be placed in a higher capacity, calling for taller extensions to your racking so that it can be stored out of the way.

By reviewing your current setup and adapting to new procedures or organisation of how the stock is picked and stored, you may be able to eliminate any current errors that are standing in the way of proper operational practice.

Layout Shift

One of the biggest changes you can do within a warehouse environment is improving your overall layout.

Narrow aisle racking, mezzanine flooring and drive-in racking to get larger products from the shelf to the driver in an efficient manner present a lot of possibilities with the right direction and equipment. With Christmas just around the corner, the time to focus on a shift in layout to accommodate the huge surge in demand for products is now more than later.

At Monarch Shelving, our team works with warehouse owners in designing industrial storage racks to make the most of space and storage available to you. Although the future of ecommerce is on the rise, there is still a need for a physical warehouse for storage. Contact us today for your requirements.