Keep your warehouse cool before Summer

We’re certainly not under the sun right now, but we are certainly only a matter of months away from summer. Though UK summers can be unpredictable, you can at least use this time to keep your warehouse cool before the day comes when you are faced with a heatwave.

Keep your warehouse cool using fans and extractors

The first thing you could consider is having your warehouse fans and extractors checked and/or serviced if you haven’t already. When left to fall into a poor state, these systems could end up malfunctioning. What’s more, they could waste electricity with their failed attempts to function, creating more heat and even a fire hazard.

Check moving machinery

If you have any moving machinery, such as conveyors, it might be wise to monitor their bearings, seals and friction points more than you would during winter. Remember, excess heat leads to expansion, causing a detrimental effect on moving machinery and other equipment around the warehouse. Now has never been a better time to check for any damage that could lead to larger disruptions during summer. It is also important that you check the positioning and condition of your electronics and computer equipment, as they could overheat when placed in a cramped environment.

Employee comfort

It is your job as an employer to care for the welfare of your team. Though there is no specific limit to acceptable working temperatures, you only need to rely on common sense to tell you when it is simply too hot for safe, comfortable working conditions.

As there usually isn’t an option to shut down the warehouse, it is your job to create a cool and comfortable working environment for your employees. Improve your current air conditioning, provide them with cold water, allow more breaks, etc.

Check your shelving

It’s also important to think about how the materials and accessories used to make your shelving units and storing solutions may expand and contract as temperatures change during summer. Condensation can also become an issue during this time of the year, which is why now is the best time to check the condition of your shelving. Spotting problems now gives you more than enough time to make any changes before it gets too busy.

Monitor health

Finally, be aware of the signs and symptoms of dehydration to identify when and where you may need to step in and give your employees a break or assistance. Some team members overlook their own health to get the job done. Take proactive steps to help them.