Simple and essential Warehouse Safety

It would be surprising if your warehouse team were unaware of the basic safety regulations to comply to. These regulations are crucial for an efficient warehouse. However, as time passes, you may find that both you and your team have become lax with following safety guidelines, which is why we are here to discuss simple and essential warehouse safety with you.

Simple and essential warehouse safety: flammable materials

When was the last time you took a comprehensive look at the flammable substances and materials in the warehouse? How do you know that you are doing absolutely everything to make sure they are stored and utilised in a safe manner? It is important to make sure everything is organised correctly and is included in your regular health and safety audits.

Exits and pathways

Over time, you will find clutter piling up, creating irritating and dangerous obstacles around the warehouse. The hazards could be anything from minimal to lethal. This isn’t only unfair on those affected, but you could find yourself providing staff and visitors with compensation! Keep it clean and clear, and leave signage where required.

Sprinklers and extinguishers

It’s never wise to simply assume that the sprinkler systems and other fire safety items work all the time. Be sure to test them on a regular basis and make sure you have someone who is qualified to do this.

Evacuation plans

Even if it seems obvious, you must always have a concrete evacuation plan in place for the sake of everyone’s safety. Should anything happen, it is far too easy for things to take a tumble and lead to chaos. This is why everyone should know exactly what they must do to keep themselves safe.

Shared Knowledge

Finally, it is important that you make sure each member knows that they must share the responsibility. No one should let other members of the team take the fall and deal with health and safety elements within the warehouse. Everyone must know their role.