Warehouse cleaning tips

With the woes of COVID-19 telling us to wash our hands more and keep ourselves as safe as possible, it’s important to remember that keeping clean isn’t just for serious illnesses. When you run a busy warehouse, health and safety at the forefront of your operation.

Create regular cleaning goals.

It is easier for you to keep your facility clean regularly than it is to perform a single deep clean every once in a while. We recommend you assign regular cleaning tasks on rotation, whether it be daily, weekly or monthly!

Create a calendar specifically for cleaning and assign roles to different team members. Critical areas such as shipping doors may need a daily regimen to ensure clean and safe operation.

Implement clean-as-you-go.

Many businesses will not mark a task as complete until the mess has been cleaned up. If a work shift results in leftover packaging material in packing stations, then the day is not complete until it is cleaned up. And if you find a leftover stock pallet on the floor, move it immediately.

Assign cleaning zones to employees

If you run a distribution operation, you may give a picker certain responsibility surrounding either a conveyor belt or shelving. Do not allow your workers to leave their mess for the next person on shift. Be sure each team member keeps their area clean daily and puts everything away when their job is done.

Make cleaning supplies and equipment readily available.

If you assign a team member to a specific cleaning role, do not make them travel a great distance to grab their equipment. Everything should be readily available for whatever each team member may need. Create nearby storage facilities for their cleaning items so that everything is only a short walk away.