How To Choose The Most Suitable Workstation For Your Business.

Choosing a suitable workstation or workbench should be simple, shouldn’t it?

After all the principal purpose of the workstation is help your business become more productive.

In order to achieve that you’ll have to make the workplace more efficient, comfortable and practical for employees to function in. Unfortunately what might sound like a simple and straightforward choice is often beset by unforeseen difficulties and complications. It’s these ‘variables’ that cause the problems. So, whether your business is looking to buy technical workstations, assembly workstations, industrial benches, packing or shipping benches or accessory systems, it’s important that you take the time to plan and consider what your precise requirements are before finally taking the plunge.

The fundamental question to ask is what work will be performed on the workstation.

Once that question is answered, then everything else like the size of the workbench, the surface of the workstation and the storage requirements become self-evident. Here are a few tips to help you choose the prefect workstation or workbench for your business.

What size workstation will you need?

The size of the workstation/workbench is determined by a number of factors, and will differ from business to business. You’ll need to answer the following questions to have a better idea how big or small the workstation will need to be. How much space is available? How big a footprint will the workbench occupy? Do you need vertical storage as well as a horizontal working surface? How deep or wide does the working surface need to be? Does the entire working surface need to be within arm’s reach? Will the workbench be carrying heavy parts or large equipment?


What type of work will your business be doing, and what sort of design configuration would deliver the most efficient workflow solution? If you’re working with a progressive workflow, then you may want to configure your benches to create an integrated, moving production line. Flow racks can then be used to stage and deliver parts using gravity, and thus reduce material-handling times, point-of-use storage and cost. If the workforce functions in cells or groups, then it may well be best served by different shaped configurations that are adaptable and encourage easy communication.


It’s important to address the issue of storage for the workstation/ workbench so that all the needs are met and no space is wasted. When planning the workbench needs, you should pay attention to the size, shape, weight, quantity and fragility of the items that need to be stored, as well as how accessible they need to be.

Once these storage needs are identified, then it’s important to concentrate on making the workstation function as effectively as possible. Try creating a designated storage location for every item. Modular drawer cabinet interiors are ideal for custom configuration. Such a high level of organisation is particularly important if different people will be using the workstation at different times. By organising the correct storage needs at this stage, you’ll ultimately maximise time-savings and make inventory control much easier.